Discover what God can do through you.

Worship Gatherings
Saturdays @ 5:00
Contemporary Worship
Sundays @ 10:00
Sundays @ 11:30
Contemporary Worship
Event Highlights
Spotlight Groups
We believe that real life should be experienced in community and we pray that you’ll find yours in the form of a Bible Fellowship Class. Depending on the desired teaching style, group size and age demographic, there’s an array of options. Feel free to visit a group or two (or all of them) in your search for community and connection.
Giving is an act of worship. It is an expression of the heart more than an item on a Christian to do list. Our philosophy of giving is: Give to God first. That honors God. Save second. That shows wisdom. Live on the rest. That teaches contentment. While giving, allow yourself to intentionally pause and thank the Lord for His provision and mercy!